Thursday, May 20, 2004

Vamo' a ve', un poquito de po' favo' they say in one of our favourite sitcoms, Aquí no hay quien Viva. Yes, Joan -my ex- and I have become used to this Wednesday Night ritual: a warning sms from the first one of us to remember, so we don't miss the series, and then between 15 and 20 sms each while we sit, each one at our own home, watching the series. One of our favourite characters is Emilio, the caretaker, , who has a special way of talking that we had always taken the piss off, even before this series existed... and our motto is now this expression of his, Vamo' a ve', un poquito de po' favo' -Let's see, a bit of a please, literally, and which he uses when he's trying to get everyone quiet in the middle of a fight,or stopping an arguement, or when organizing the situation during any of the catastrophies happening daily in this sitcom.

Last night I had a bit of a 'lover overbooking'. Again. Had been exchanging sms with my ex, ready for the series to start, and then I got a phone call from N, who was coming round to stay the night. About 10 minutes after, I. phoned - a.k.a. My Little Pony, a.k.a. Cinderella- and it sounded like he was quite free and we haven't spent much time together the last ten days, so when he started asking what I was up to I told him immediately that N was coming round, so he changed subject and said we'd talk tomorrow. Smsd it all to Joan, and he was laughing his head off, and said I'd need Emilio to organize the queue!!!

But then he kept sms-ing me, even long after the series finished, to find out if I was still on my own, and then to take the piss out of me and drive N mad with all the messages I was receiving

Funny, though, how N is becoming jealous... he never used to be! He's not my boyfriend!! and J was saying he'd be wondering about him, and jealous, while N was saying it was J who was jealous of him, and missing me, and sorry not to be there instead of him...

N says I should know men better by now, and though we're supposed to be good friends, an ex is always jealous, and a lover too, even when they try to act cool. So I shouldn't be telling each one of them when I've been around the other one.

Which is, basically, what I have always done and have asked my lover/friends to do to me. Just keep things straightforward.