Monday, March 01, 2004

#@#%#@# Fast Web Counter!

The damn thingy is the reason why I lost part of my weblog for a few days!

Anyway, as you can see, it's got a new skin, also by May*star Designs, and perhaps even better!

...And, by trial and error, my main webdesign system -that's how I changed colourings and so on on my previous blogskin- I've realized it was 'cause of the counter patch I added!. I mean, I found out after almost losing stuff from sight again!!!-after adapting the skin for a while

In any case, I've got it stuck right at the bottom, and it's counting only since it was originally stuck on, a few days ago.

If you want to risk it, Mary-Anne, click on it and stick it, but do make sure you "preview" before saving!!!!!

Shall get back later on, wasted much too much time on this, must say.