Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Wonder why this happens?

As I had seen myself, and as Mary-Anne told me too, the background for my main table and the bubbly effect both disappear sometimes, then turn up again. Does anyone know why? and how to solve this?

I'd got into my blog again thinking of taking off these effects, so as to leave it plain and trouble-free, and saw it working again!

Problem with the Audit is rising, as the guy who should be solving it says he's not going to do as we need, so I'm actually scared of calling my boss to relate to him my most recent conversation until I see what he's sending me, and if it looks anything like a solution!

Also, he has a very annoying way of talking, probably in his own language he'll be nicer, but he goes on and on like a robot, without inflexions and without a pause to breath, so he doesn't let you cut him to differ on what he says. Plus, he's an Engineer and in charge of quality processes and Audits for that company, and I've just started to work in this field this January, so I'm not too confident sometimes when he starts to recite his mantra.

Wish me luck!