Thursday, February 26, 2004

Hugo is almost as bad as me, now!

Hugo told me last night that, at the swimming-pool, he'd pulled his trousers down to change into his swimming trunks, dropped his trunks, picked them up, pulled his trousers on again and got the the actual pool and found himself in his underwear!!!

Then he says he only realised because the other Hugo -himself, sort of in a double-personality thing, standing in front of him- said:

Hugo2: -Hey, you're in your calzoncillos -underwear- Hugo!

Hugo1: -No, I've put my trunks on

Hugo2: -Look at yourself!

Hugo1: (looking down at his underpants) -oh! you're right, Hugo!

He explained this jumping from one position to the other, and said he'd told his teacher he had to go back to get changed, and explained how he'd realised. She'd made him repeat it afterwards in front of the whole class, and told him to tell his mom the whole story!

...And he swears there were two Hugos!