Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Bali coconut Tree is freezing in Denmark

Vel and I had this joke going on, Male asked us to take the piss out of some people while shopping with her in her village, near Sitges. We overdid it a bit, and she got pissed off, o it was even more fun, and now Vel and I can't stop talking the silly way we did then: She was supposed to be from Bali, me from Tahihti South, and both speaking broken English and stupid habits etc, asking for the Government Stamp on the things in the supermarket, asking Male if they had Mushroom Liccor in that place, or should we make it... silli teenagey thing, but it grew on us.

Got an e-mail from Vel, so now I can tell everyone she's ok -some people were worried 'coz she hadn't phoned to say she's ok, and didn't understand we didn't do that usually.